
Mama Fortuna is an online nickname!

“Mama Fortuna” avatar
“Mama Fortuna” avatar

The website owner's metaphysical chat accounts nickname is "MamaFortuna" and, although "Mama Fortuna Official Website" is the name of this website, to the best of our knowledge it is NOT the name of any business.

The screen name, "Mama Fortuna", and the avatar shown on this page, were originally used by the owner of this website for social networking many years ago, and it is for her online followers that this website was originally created. This website's name was intended to be non-exclusive, for online entertainment purposes, and the business owner is not responsible for the various talents and uses of this same screen name by others!

The knowledge, education, skills, range of services and disclaimers* noted on the separate pages of this website are those of the website owner.

* The following disclaimer shall apply to all pages of this website, and to live online metaphysical consultations accessed through this website:

A tarot reading, divination by oracle or metaphysical consultation, is not a substitute for advice from a doctor or other licensed professional. Regardless of whether she is providing services online via a screen name, the metaphysical consultant does not diagnose, prescribe, or treat any medical condition.

By contacting the metaphysical consultant for services, no guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind are given, and she will NOT be responsible for any interpretation made or used by the client and/or topics discussed.

You must be 18 years or older to contact her for any kind of metaphysical consultations or services, regardless of whether contact is made via a screen name. The readings are for entertainment purposes only.

Making contact with the metaphysical consultant through her screen name "Mama Fortuna" for metaphysical consultations through this website, and through any other website linked within this website, shall be understood to be the same as contacting the metaphysical consultant for services.